Assertiveness - an Introduction
Member price: £335 + VAT
Non-member price: £395 + VAT
Timing: 9.30am-5.00pm
Online Live, 16 September 2024
Online Live, 5 December 2024
Online Live, 20 March 2025
Online Live, 18 September 2025
Imagine being able confidently to express your opinion, stand up for yourself, say ‘no’ when you need to and say what you mean and mean what you say. How much more effective and successful would you be? How much easier would your life be?
Becoming more assertive can be immensely beneficial to everyone and can make you feel more confident, enhance your self-esteem, increase your ability to deal with difficult people and stressful situations, as well as making you happier, healthier and more professional. The day is highly practical, interactive, safe and fun. Come prepared to join in and take your development up a level.
What you will learn
- Understand the meaning of assertiveness and how it differs from passive, aggressive and manipulative behaviour
- Become familiar with workplace and personal rights and how to assert them
- Have more confidence
- A variety of assertiveness skills, tools and techniques and when to apply them
- Improved communication skills; including effective listening, questioning, body language and rapport building
- How to say no
- Strategies for dealing with difficult people
- Develop assertive solutions to real-life situations through the application of the skills, tools and techniques learnt throughout the day
Who should attend
This course will benefit anyone who feels that they need to deal with people confidently and more effectively, without being too passive or aggressive.
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