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Becoming an ICAS member
Joining ICAS as a CA is an extraordinary achievement, and we offer various routes to getting there.
Why become a CA
Learn why becoming a Chartered Accountant will lead to an extraordinary and rewarding career in business and beyond.
CA stories
Young Chartered Accountants reveal why they chose to study with ICAS and what makes them proud to be CAs.
HMRC - evidence for expense claims
Find out about the new HMRC evidence requirements for PAYE (P87) employment expense claims.
Changes to the ADL from 7 October
Find out about some positive changes to HMRC’s Agent Dedicated Line (ADL) from 7 October.
Insolvency technical update: September 2024
Stay informed on the latest insolvency developments with this month’s technical update.
Written decisions from the tax tribunal
Find out about a consultation on proposed changes to the provision of written decisions by the First Tier Tax Tribunal.