Episode three: Alastair Campbell
Join free · Online · 16 November · 8.30 to 9.30am GMT
Mental health in the City - how to find wellbeing in one of the world’s busiest business hubs
An exclusive opportunity for London Members to meet renowned mental health campaigner, communicator, writer and strategist Alastair Campbell.
Alastair Campbell is best known for his role as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s spokesman, press secretary and director of communications and strategy. But his work addressing mental health, both personally and as a public advocate, has been his role of a lifetime.
In recent years, Alastair has become increasingly involved with mental health charities and causes, speaking about his own experience of depression, psychosis and addiction, and of his brother Donald’s lifelong struggle with schizophrenia. A former ‘Mind Champion of the Year’, he is an ambassador for several charities, including Mind, Rethink and Alcohol Concern. He is patron of Maytree, the country’s only charity for the suicidal, and of Kidstime, which supports the children of mentally ill parents. He is a Global Ambassador for Australians for Mental Health.
Mental fitness has come to the fore as a topic of huge importance during the pandemic. From the pressures of life under lockdown, to loneliness and isolation, anxiety over health and financial concerns, and grief for lost lives, most of us have suffered impacts upon our mental health.
In this exclusive ICAS Member event, Alastair will talk openly about his experiences with mental ill-health and share his strategies and advice for managing your own wellbeing and supporting the wellbeing of others.
Don’t miss this opportunity to put your questions direct to Alastair and to engage in discussion with fellow Members in the City face-to-face.
Registration is open now for ICAS Members in London. Keep an eye out for an email from ICAS to secure one of a limited number of spaces at this exclusive event.
Read more about Alastair Campbell in our May 2021 CA magazine edition or in our coverage of this year's CA Summit.