Profit vs cash - understanding the differences online course
Did you know that essentially the key reason for business failure is running out of cash; if a business no longer has cash, it doesn't matter what else is going on, the business can't and won't survive. Having adequate cash flow is essential to keep a business running. When cash runs out, the company runs the risk of not being able to meet current obligations such as payroll, suppliers and loan repayments. Yet despite this the majority of failed businesses mislead themselves that profitability is the key indicator of success and take their eye off cash flow.
Price: £35 + VAT
BPP are currently in the process of moving to a new online system and therefore we ask in the interim that you email BPP (using the booking button above) to book your online course.
What you will gain
This course will introduce you to the significance, meaning and differences between profit and cash flow and provide you with an insight into how to understand both when looking at a set of accounts.
Course content
By the end of this course, you will have a greater understanding of:
- the meaning of profit and cash flow
- the key differences between profit and cash flow
- the significance of reviewing both when considering the health of any business and learn how businesses can take control over their cash flow
- how to look at a set of accounts to obtain information to help assess both profit and cash flow
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