Financial modelling introduction 2: Absolute cell referencing and formatting tips online course
Financial modelling is becoming an increasingly important skill in an economic environment characterised by ever more uncertainty. The ability to use Excel to predict what the financial performance and position of a business or venture might look like in the future, depending on particular assumptions and estimates.
Effective use of Fn 4 $$s for absolute cell referencing is an essential skill required to build a dynamic and flexible financial model. High quality formatting is also important, and cell styles provide an ideal way to achieve this.
Price: £35 + VAT
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What you will gain
This course explains the effective use of absolute cell referencing to build a dynamic and flexible financial model, along with high quality formatting.
Course content
By the end of this course, you will have a greater understanding of:
- the use of Fn 4 $$s for absolute cell referencing of column, row and both
- the use of cell styles for effective formatting in Excel
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