Online courses 20-pack - select the courses to suit your needs
Whether you have CPD requirements to meet, a career to progress or you want to develop your skills, our online course packs are the best way to pick and choose what is right for you.
Price: £299 + VAT
BPP are currently in the process of moving to a new online system and therefore we ask in the interim that you email BPP (using the booking button above) to book your online course pack. Please view our online course directory to see what courses are available, and email the list of the courses that you would like to be included in your customised pack.
What you will gain
Customise your online course pack by selecting any 20 courses from our full catalogue.
Course content
Choose 20 online CPD courses from our full online catalogue covering areas such as tax, accounting, business skills, law, personal development and more.
BPP | Tel: 0330 060 3303 | Email: