Presidential Nominations Committee
The Presidential Nominations Committee (PNC) is the body nominated by Council responsible for recommending candidates to Council each year for appointment as the next Office Bearers.
Delegation of powers
The PNC has no decision-making powers and its role is therefore to consider the matters that fall within its remit and make recommendations to Council on the same. Council is required to take account of the recommendations of the PNC, but is not bound to follow them. If less than 75% of Council support each recommendation, Council will ask the PNC to submit alternative recommendations.
The Presidential Nominations Committee has its own Terms of Reference here.
More information on the Presidential Nominations Committee is outlined below.
The General Regulations provide that the membership of the PNC is made up of the following:
- a Public Interest Member chair
- the President
- the Deputy President
- the Vice President
- the immediate Past President
- the Chief Executive
- four other members of Council including at least one Public Interest Member.
Role of PNC members
The ICAS General Regulations do not provide distinct roles or responsibilities for PNC members, but all members are expected to:
- Provide constructive comment and advice on the matters referred to the PNC.
- Assist the PNC in forming a view on any matter referred to it.
- Take account of the public interest perspective brought by the Public Interest Members of the PNC.
With the exception of the Office Bearers, the Chief Executive and immediate Past President, who are automatically appointed to the PNC by virtue of their position, members of the PNC are appointed by Council on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee
Appointments to the PNC are for an initial period of three years, which may be extended for a second term of three years.
Current Members
- Bruce Beveridge – Chair
Date of Appointment – May 2024 - Alison Cornwell (President) - Member
Date of Appointment - N/A - Clive Bellingham (Immediate Past President) - Member
Date of Appointment - N/A - Lyndsay Browne (Member of Council) – Member
Date of Appointment – September 2022 - Bruce Cartwright (Chief Executive) – Member
Date of Appointment – N/A - David Cruickshank (Vice President) – Member
Date of Appointment – N/A - Fran van Dijk (Public Interest Member) - Member
Date of Appointment - May 2024 - Samantha Frost (Member of Council) – Member
Date of Appointment – March 2023 - Louise Page (Member of Council) – Member
Date of Appointment – March 2023 - Karen Scholes (Deputy President) – Member
Date of Appointment – N/A
Register of interests
Conflicts of interests
Members of the PNC must declare any interests that may influence, or may be perceived to influence, their ability to act impartially or objectively in fulfilling their role as a member of the PNC.
There are many different forms of interest which could create a conflict in a matter being discussed by the PNC. Some of the main examples are:
- the involvement of a family member or friend
- a close association with one of the parties or entities involved
- the involvement of a current or previous work colleague
- any financial interest or impact (however small)
- any prejudice or benefit which may follow the PNC’s discussion.
PNC members are reminded that potential and perceived conflicts of interest are as important as actual conflicts.
Interests should be declared in advance of the relevant matter being discussed by the PNC – either immediately upon becoming aware of the matter, or at the beginning of the meeting.
Depending on the nature of the interest, the Chair may require the member to leave the meeting for the duration of the discussion.
Register of interests
In addition, members of the PNC (formally review and update their registered interests on an annual basis).
Details of the interests of each of the members of the PNC are available to view in the Council Register of Interests (Coming soon).
Internal reporting by the PNC
ICAS General Regulations require the PNC to report:
- To Council, on an annual basis.
Internal reporting to the PNC
The PNC does not receive any internal reports.
Given the PNC only exists for one purpose, it does not currently undertake a self-evaluation exercise.
Public reporting
The PNC Committee is not required to carry out any public reporting.
The PNC is not required to meet a specific number of times each year, but on average, it meets at least three times per year..
As set out in ICAS’ General Regulations, three members of the PNC being present at a meeting, constitutes a quorum.
Records of meetings
Each meeting of the PNC is formally minuted, and the minutes are tabled for approval at the following meeting.
If you have any questions about the Presidential Nominations Committee please contact our Secretariat team.