The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) is a professional body and regulator created by Royal Charter and having our chief office at CA House, 21 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh EH12 5BH, United Kingdom.


This notice explains ICAS’ approach to the personal information we handle in carrying out our duties as a professional body and regulator of Chartered Accountants. For the purposes of this Notice, we act as a controller of personal information, which means we are responsible for deciding how we process your personal information.

What is the lawful basis for ICAS’ processing activities?

ICAS will only process personal information where we have a lawful basis to do so. The basis for processing will vary from activity to activity. In some instances, processing may have more than one lawful basis.

The following information below summarises the basis on which we process personal information. It also provides a non-exhausting list of examples of processing activities.

Lawful Basis Examples of processing activities

Processing is necessary for ICAS to meet its legitimate interests as a professional body and regulator of Chartered Accountants, including:

the maintenance of our membership database, the promotion and monitoring of professional standards, and other services we provide to various parties.

  • General administration for maintaining our membership.
  • Maintaining a membership database.
  • Corresponding with members in respect of their ongoing membership, including Annual Renewals, subscriptions, CPD etc.
  • Regulatory activity (e.g. licences, monitoring etc).
  • Investigations and discipline.
  • Enabling members to attain satisfactory CPD by providing information about courses and events.
  • Enabling members to have satisfactory technical knowledge by providing updates and other information.
  • Information connected to training.
  • Maintaining information related to class attendance, courses, events and examination results.
    Processing necessary for ICAS to comply with its legal obligations.
Processing necessary for ICAS to comply with its legal obligations.
  • Providing information to oversight regulators (including the FRC and the Insolvency Service).
  • Providing information to statutory bodies (e.g. HMRC).
  • Providing information to law enforcement agencies.
Processing carried out in the public interest as a regulatory body and to protect members of the public.
  • Maintaining a public online directory of members.
  • Regulatory activity (e.g. licences, monitoring etc).
  • Investigations and discipline.
  • Communicating with other professional bodies on a ‘regulator to regulator’ basis.
  • Allowing members to contact one another and post content using ‘CA Connect’.
  • Providing information on offers and discounts we have negotiated for members.
  • Publishing attendance lists for ICAS courses and events.
  • Publishing addresses in our online directory of members.
Legitimate interests
  • Capturing photography and video at events.
  • CCTV images.
Processing carried out to review equality of opportunity or treatment    
  • Reporting on ICAS membership diversity.
  • Carrying out equal opportunities monitoring.
Processing carried out in the public interest to promote equality of opportunity or treatment (for processing of special category data)    
  • Reporting on ICAS membership diversity.
  • Carrying out equal opportunities monitoring.

Contact information and further advice

If you have any questions which are not covered in this notice, we suggest that you email us. To help us deal with your query as quickly as possible, we recommend that you include the following in the email subject ‘FAO Data Protection Officer’. If you would prefer to submit your questions in writing, please write to our office at CA House, 21 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh EH12 5BH, addressing your letter to the Data Protection Officer.

Contact us


While ICAS seeks to resolve directly all complaints about how we handle personal information, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office, whose contact details are as follows:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

ICO complaints